Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How Value-Driven Content Can Boost Your SEO and Brand Reputation

It's time you move away from a Search Engine Optimization focus to a value-driven focus. What does this mean? In the past, businesses and brands cared mainly about ranking high on Google, so they're content was primarily focused around keywords. What this inevitably lead to was poor quality content no one cared to read. Once you understand that content is the doorway to sales, you will find greater outcomes for your Internet marketing initiatives.

What is Value-Driven Content, Really?

In a nutshell, value-driven content is content that's designed with the reader in mind. It answers pressing questions and concerns they may have, entertains and/or educates. Visitors actually find value in the pieces of content your brand produces. This in turn increases engagement, which can give your SEO a boost.

The Tie Between Content and SEO

We know that keywords still remain a factor in how your content is ranked, but it's no longer front and center. What Google cares about today is how much people like your content. The way it verifies this is by identifying how users interact with your posts. Are they sharing it, commenting on it, clicking the “like” or “+1” button? All of these are signals that Google pays attention to. So in turn, the content with high user engagement will prevail.

Your Brand Reputation: Content is Key

In the real world, conversations and presentations tell people a lot about your character. People are able to hear what you say and see what you do and determine whether you're a good person that's trustworthy and vice versa. In the digital world, your content does this for you. Your brand can't speak for itself, so you need to do it in the form of videos and written content.

Obviously, if your content is low-quality, then the impression people will have of your brand is that it's mediocre. Who wants to do business with a mediocre company? Only cheap people. If you want to draw in higher-paying customers who are loyal to your brand, then you need to deliver high-quality content that addresses your audience.

Creating Value-Driven Content

Research plays a major role in finding out what type of content your prospects would value most. You have to determine what type of questions and problems they have and then address them. User intent should also be researched before selecting the keywords you implement. Knowing why people are searching for those terms will help you come up with ideas on how to use them in your content. Some are obvious, like “used cars for sale” and others not-so-much, like “back pain”. The latter users could be looking for beds to buy, chiropractors, medicinal healing and so on. Careful research will help you identify which keywords to use in your strategy and how to use them in your content so that it caters to your audience.

Hugh Benjamin is an Internet marketing expert at I Think an Idea, a Los Angeles SEO Company that helps small businesses across the globe with growth by implementing sound SEO, social media and online reputation management strategies.  Call 888.240.0606 for a Free Online SEO Evaluation.

Techies: Don’t Launch Your Business Before Reading This – Silicon Beach Start Ups!

The world runs on technology. We rely heavily on the innovations techies conjure up from their labs, warehouses and even basements. Some of the greatest ideas were made in the most unlikely places. Just look at Amazon – it began in a garage and now it has surpassed Walmart in popularity and sales. What this tells us is that all it takes is a great idea and strong will to make it happen. And with the right marketing, you can launch a successful business.

The issue with most Techies is that they spend more time on their product than their brand development. While having an excellent product is key, it won’t mean much if no one is hearing about it. Generating buzz for your new company is essential for having a successful launch.

If you’re in the tech industry and planning to launch a new startup, then follow these tips from the experts.

Market the Benefits of Your Products – Have an SEO Strategy

One mistake techies make is talking to consumers like they’re tech-minded. They talk about features and functionality rather than the benefits of using their product. So rather than talking about how light, fast, small and clever your device is, tell the market how it can be used to improve their lives or businesses. Plus, it’s likely that there are other similar products better than yours. So don’t try to compete with features – show customers how your product is useful and economical.

Double Check the Manufacturing Schedule – Be Proactive with Online Branding

In a great scenario, you launch your business and receive thousands of orders on the first day. In a not-so-great scenario, you run out of products, creating a long waiting list of unsatisfied customers. Then there’s the potential of you opening up shop and not having the product available right away. There’s nothing more disappointing than having to wait, so make sure you have everything ready to ship out on demand. Otherwise, you’ll be spending your first months as an entrepreneur doing damage control.

Hone in On a Particular Customer – Target Audience and Marketing Strategy for that Customer

You designed your product for a specific reason, which means there are particular groups of people you need to target. The more focused your marketing, the better the outcome will be. A lot of technology startups think too big, trying to reach on everyone. Even if your product can be used by majority of the population, you will have better results by pinpointing those who are most likely to purchase it.

Hugh Benjamin is an internet marketing expert at I Think an Idea in Los Angeles that has worked with small business owners across various industries, including the technology. I Think an Idea is one the Top Los Angeles SEO Companies that provides services which include online reputation management, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing and management, business development consulting and web design.   Call I Think an Idea @ 888.240.0606 for a Free Online Evaluation!

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