Monday, July 8, 2019

Backlinks that are not needed by the site

Reference profile remains an important ranking factor. Let us see what kind of backlinks to the site to post meaningless, and sometimes even harmful when promoted to Google.

Links placed in directories, in profiles on forums, in comments.

The basic principle is simple: all artificial links are recognized as spam, and either are simply not considered the search engine (they are not displayed in the Search Console), or they entail getting the site under the filter. Now, most often, Google simply ignores them. Here you should consult SEO Services in Los Angeles for the better working if your site.

Links from Google directories no longer takes into account. Even with normal spam rates. The search engine clearly determines that the link is placed solely for the purpose of increasing the reference weight and is not natural.

At the moment, such backlinks can be useful when promoting in Yandex, because it has traditionally lagged behind Google a little and still takes them into account when determining the site's citation. But most likely, in the near future, Yandex will also give up this practice.

The situation is similar with links from signatures on forums, from comments, as well as from various articles in which any lists and ratings are published. For example: "The list of the best SEO blogs runet." As practice has shown, all these backlinks after the placement are absent in the Google web workshop (even if they appeared absolutely naturally), but displayed in Yandex.

The following are the most basic types of artificial links.
  • Text ads that are accounted for by PageRank.
  • Promotional articles or ads paid for the links contained in them, which are taken into account by the Page Rank system.
  • Links with text optimized for search engines, posted in articles or press releases that are published on third-party sites.
  • Low-quality links from directories and bookmark services.
  • Full of keywords, hidden or low-quality links in widgets shown on various sites.
  • Links distributed in footers or templates of various sites.
  • Comments on forums with featured links in the body of the message or signature.
The only advantage that can be drawn from links of this type is traffic and good behavioral factors. Of course, provided that they are located on relevant sites.

Links in press releases

Previously, this promotion practice by SEO Companies in Los Angeles worked successfully. Even despite the fact that Google in the recommendations for webmasters directly spoke about the inadmissibility of this method. Over time, most of the backlinks from those that were obtained in this way, the search algorithm has learned to ignore. And last summer, a company employee said: We try to ignore links of this type, as placed in press releases, because we understand that most often the companies themselves issue announcements. Therefore, any links to them are also posted independently.

Links from .edu, .gov and .org domains

Another popular one we will take. Moreover, links from .edu domains, along with .gov and .org, were once considered better and more expensive than others. Over time, such a strategy to build link building acquired the character of mass, and Google began to consider the majority of links of this type to be spam.

Buying links to the donor domain and redirect 301 to the main

Another outdated tactic from the "SEO-guru" of the last century. The strategy was to buy a domain, “pumping” it with links and redirecting it via redirect. It was also believed that this tactic works when exiting the Penguin filter.


In recent years, Google has gained enough experience to weed out poor-quality links. Therefore, the old methods of building a reference profile obviously do not work.  When selecting a donor, you need to think about traffic: a good link is the one that provides transitions. You should also objectively evaluate the spam site and real attendance.

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