Friday, October 9, 2020

How to attract patients with the help of SEO for plastic surgeons?


Cosmetic surgeons compete with each other in a vanity market. Except for the few cases of reconstructions for health reasons, most of its services are directed to an audience that has high standards of beauty.

As long as beauty is a commodity in our societies and its patterns are dictated from a stereotypical logic in curves and worshiping youth, there will be a market for cosmetic surgery centers.

The question is, what share of that market do you want? If you want to increase the number of patients right now, you should consider investing in inbound marketing strategies.

In general, inbound marketing is effective for the entire medical sector.

Every day various health organizations, doctors and specialists receive substantial benefits from the use of social media, the publication of articles in blogs and specialized magazines, email marketing campaigns to their databases and other inbound practices.

However, within the healthcare sector, we believe that plastic surgeons are a privileged niche to obtain the best results from inbound marketing.

Although in other medical specialties patients trust the recommendations of family and friends, generally in the field of cosmetic surgery patients tend to be discreet and prefer to do their own research on the Internet.

Therefore, the content on your services must be aimed at generating trust. You must have an SEO for plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills worked in detail to attract as many visitors as possible to the web, with certain keywords: cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, breast implants, breast augmentation, liposuction etc.

SEO consists of a series of measures to create and organize website content so that Google knows how to read and reward better.

Let's take a few simple examples: each page should contain specific keywords. These are keywords that you have chosen together with your agency team and that Google identifies as a response to the searches of its users.

For example, you are a surgeon who specializes in regenerative breast augmentation in Los Angeles? If you often use keywords such as “Regenerative Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles” and other related words within the site, you will be more likely to be found when a patient writes on Google: “Aesthetic Breast Surgery Los Angeles”.

The keywords must be repeated a certain number of times within long texts, which Google rewards more than short content. Not to mention the main titles or paragraph titles.

They must also contain the same keywords identified at the beginning of the strategy.

Taking care of SEO for cosmetic surgery sites in Los Angeles also includes the insertion of internal links (which refer to other pages of your website) and external (which refer to other sites) and the optimization of the Meta description, i.e. the short description of the site that patients see on Google, before clicking and visiting it.

Mobile browsing has now overtaken computer browsing. It is therefore essential that your agency does a great job by creating "mobile" version of the site that is easy to visit.

A version where all the clickable links and buttons work exactly like the PC version. The website remains the same, there will not be a "mobile" version in its own right, but every time a potential patient searches for you via mobile, the contents will rearrange and adapt to the small screen.

Marketing By I Think An Idea

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